Tutustu Raspberry yhteensopiviin tuoksuihin
Perhe: Ruusufinnit
Suku: Rubus
Laji: R. idaeus
Raspberries are best known as the delicious fruits borne on the canes of perennial raspberry plants. Increasingly, raspberry fragrances are being used by perfumers to produce scents with fruity, red berry notes. The main constituent that gives raspberries their aroma is a phenolic compound, known as raspberry ketone. Raspberry ketone occurs naturally, though many commercial products now incorporate synthetically-produced raspberry ketone to meet the increasing demand for flavourings and fragrances.
When raspberries are manufactured into jams and drinks, a significant quantity of by-products are produced, including seeds and pomace. Oil can then be extracted from the seeds using a variety of techniques, including cold pressing or solvent extraction.
Raspberry seed oil is increasingly used by the cosmetics industry due to the high concentration of vitamins A and E, which help to maintain and repair skin cells. Raspberry fragrance is also often blended with other components to incorporate into candles and diffusers.
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